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Latitude 5420 Setup and Specifications

Keyboard shortcuts

NOTE: Keyboard characters may differ depending on the keyboard language configuration. Keys that are used for shortcuts remain the same across all language configurations.
Table 1. List of keyboard shortcutsThe following table lists the keyboard shortcuts and their descriptions.
Keys Primary Behavior Secondary Behavior (Fn + Key)
Fn + Esc Escape Toggle Fn-key lock

Fn + F1

Mute audio

F1 behavior

Fn + F2

Decrease volume

F2 behavior

Fn + F3

Increase volume

F3 behavior

Fn + F4

Mic Mute

F4 behavior

Fn + F5

Keyboard backlight

NOTE: Not applicable for non-backlight keyboard.
F5 behavior

Fn + F6

Decrease screen brightness

F6 behavior

Fn + F7

Increase screen brightness

F7 behavior

Fn + F8

Switch to external display

F8 behavior

Fn + F9

Disable camera F9 behavior

Fn + F10

Print Screen

F10 behavior

Fn + F11


F11 behavior

Fn + F12


F12 behavior
Fn + Left Arrow Left Arrow Home
Fn + Right Arrow Right Arrow End
Fn + Right Ctrl Emulates right click --
Fn + P SafeScreen (e-Privacy) --

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