Apply the license key on the NetWorker server to complete the licensing process. The product license activation email provides license keys, which consists of permanent enablers and authorization codes.
About this task
NOTE:If you installed evaluation enablers that are not yet expired, to license the NetWorker software permanently you must apply the license key. The recommended way to install NetWorker license keys is to automatically import and install them from the license key file, which is provided by Dell Licensing. If you cannot automatically import and install the license keys, you can manually install them.
Use the following procedure to import and apply the NetWorker license keys from Dell Licensing directly to a NetWorker server.
Log in to the NetWorker server with a user that has administrator access for Windows hosts, or root access for LINUX hosts.
Download the license key files.
Ensure that no NetWorker backups are running.
Run the following
nsradmin commands from a command prompt, in the directory where the license key file is located. You can run the
nsradmin command from any NetWorker client, storage node, or server:
To install the NetWorker license keys on a local NetWorker server, type:
nsradmin -i license_key_file > output_file
To install the NetWorker license keys on a remote NetWorker server, type:
Open and review the
output_file for success or failure messages to ensure that the NetWorker licenses have been properly installed:
Successful entry message:
If the first attempt to load a license was successful, an entry similar to the following one appears in the output file:
C:\PROGRA~1\Legato\nsr\bin\std>nsradmin -i infile created resource id Current query set updated resource id
Failed entry message:
This entry in the output file indicates that the license exists in NetWorker and you can ignore the message:
C:\PROGRA~1\Legato\nsr\bin\std>nsradmin -i infile create failed: A license enabler already exists with enabler code xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx Current query set updated resource id
If the
nsradmin command has previously been used to install licenses on a host, failure messages might be generated for NetWorker licenses that exist.
This entry in the output file indicates that the NetWorker server processes are not running on the system:
C:\PROGRA~1\Legato\nsr\bin\std>nsradmin -i infile pasb-tomp 39078:nsradmin: RPC error: Program not registered (severity 4, number 15)
To work around this issue, start the NetWorker processes on the NetWorker server.
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