An alert message is generated 45 days before a NetWorker update enabler code expires. This alert remains until the NetWorker update enabler is authorized.
To view the license alert, use one of the following methods:
In the NetWorker
Administration window:
Select the
Alert tab.
In the
Console window, click
At the command prompt, type
A colored icon within the alert message indicates that the update enabler will expire within 45 days. The message appears daily up to and including the day of the update enabler code expires.
Before the end of the evaluation period, contact your authorized reseller, or the Dell sales team to obtain your update authorization code.
By the end of the evaluation period, you must permanently license the software to continue using modules or features that you have evaluated. If you do not permanently authorize the update enabler before its expiry, your backups might be impacted.
Permanently license the NetWorker software provides information.
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