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OpenManage Integration for Microsoft System Center Version 7.3 for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and System Center Virtual Machine Manager Release Notes


Release type and definition

OpenManage Integration Version 7.3 for Microsoft System Center

OpenManage Integration for Microsoft System Center (OMIMSSC) is an appliance-based integration into System Center suite of products. OMIMSSC enables full lifecycle management of Dell EMC PowerEdge servers by using integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) with Lifecycle Controller (LC).

OMIMSSC offers operating system deployment, Dell EMC HCI Solutions for Microsoft Windows server creation, hardware patching, firmware update, and maintenance of servers and modular systems. Integrate OMIMSSC with Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM) previously known as Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) for managing the Dell PowerEdge servers in traditional data center, integrate OMIMSSC with Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) for managing The Dell PowerEdge servers in virtual and cloud environments.

This release is the immediate successor of OMIMSSC version 7.2.1 for SCCM and SCVMM.

For information about MECM, SCVMM, and SCCM brand name change see, the Microsoft documentation.


7.3 Rev.A00

Release date

May 2021

Previous versions

OMIMSSC v7.2.1

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