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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Clear iDRAC jobs and reset iDRAC

About this task

Selecting the Reset iDRAC checkbox reset the iDRAC and selecting Clear iDRAC Jobs checkbox, clears all the iDRAC jobs present in the Job Queue before updating firmware on the host.

The Clear iDRAC Jobs and reset iDRAC setting are used when performing:

  • Firmware update using OMEVV.
    NOTE This setting can be overridden while updating the firmware using OMEVV. However, overriding the setting during firmware update does not have any impact on the settings that is done on the Firmware Update Settings page.
  • Firmware remediation using vSphere Lifecycle Manager.

    This setting cannot be overridden while performing vLCM firmware remediation.


  1. On the OMEVV home page, go to Settings >Appliance Settings >Firmware Update Settings.
  2. Select the Reset iDRAC check box.
  3. Select the Clear iDRAC Jobs check box.
  4. Click APPLY.

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