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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Component health—Proactive High Availability

Proactive High Availability (PHA) is a vCenter feature that works with OMEVV. When you enable Proactive HA, the feature safeguards your workloads by proactively taking measures based on the degradation of health of supported components in a host.

After assessing the health status of the supported host components, the OMEVV plugin updates the health status in the vCenter server. Proactive HA is available only on the platforms that support on Fan, Power, Storage, and Memory.

For all the components, the health status check happens during initialization, polling, and on receiving SNMP events.

You can view the events and the actions on the Events page in vSphere Client.

The available states of health status for the supported components (fan, power, storage, and memory) are:

  • Healthy (Information)—component operating normally.
  • Warning (Moderately degraded)—component has a noncritical error. The moderately degraded states are represented as Warning in the Type column on the Events page.
  • Critical (Severely degraded)—component has a critical failure.
  • Unknown—denotes the unavailability of any Proactive HA health update from the Dell Inc provider. An unknown health status might occur when:
    • All hosts added to a Proactive HA cluster initialize with normal events to avoid the host movement into an unknown state. The hosts get updated with the actual health of the component once the OMEVV fetches the component health status from the hosts and sends it to the vCenter.

      The entire procedure repeats in the below scenario:
    • When vCenter is restarted.
    • When OMEVV is disabled and reenabled.
    • When OpenManage Enterprise appliance rebooted.

When OMEVV detects a change in the redundancy health status of supported components (either through Traps or polling), the health update notification for the component is sent to the vCenter server. Polling runs every hour, and it is available as a fail-safe mechanism to cover the possibility of a Trap loss.

NOTE When configuring events, it is recommended that you enable Post all Events option. For more information about configuring events, see Configure OMEVV events and alarms.
NOTE Critical health updates that are sent by OMEVV PHA provider are always displayed in vSphere Client Event console as a warning event.

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