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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Configure OMEVV events and alarms


  • Enable SNMP events on the iDRAC settings page for all the OMEVV-managed hosts.
  • To receive events from the servers, ensure that the SNMP trap destination is set in iDRAC. OMEVV supports SNMP v1 and v2 alerts.
  • Before enabling alarms for all hosts and MPR alarms, ensure that you enable Post all Events.
    NOTE By default, Post all Events is enabled.
  • To receive the Memory Page Retire Forecast (MPR) alarm for all hosts, ensure that the Enable Memory Page Retire Forecast alarm for all hosts option is enabled for all hosts that are managed using OMEVV.
  • To receive the alarms for all hosts, ensure Enable Alarms for all hosts option is enabled.
  • Ensure that you set the same time zone between OMEVV and vCenter. If the time zone is different, you might observe delay or advance in posting alarms.


  1. On the OMEVV home page, click Settings > vCenter Settings > Events and Alarms.
  2. To enable Memory Page Retire Forecast alarm, perform the following:
    1. Click Enable Memory Page Retire Forecast alarm for all hosts.
      The Enable Memory Page Retire Forecast Alarm dialog box is displayed.
    2. To accept the change, click CONTINUE.
    3. To cancel the changes, click CANCEL.
      For more information about Memory Page Retire Forecast, see Memory Page Retire Forecast.
      The alarms for all hosts are enabled after applying the settings.
  3. To enable alarms for all hosts, perform the following:
    1. Click Enable Alarms for all hosts .
      Enable the Dell Alarm Warning dialog box displays the clusters and nonclustered host that might be impacted after enabling the Dell alarms.
      NOTE The Dell hosts that have alarms that are enabled to respond to some specific critical events by entering in to maintenance mode. Manually move the host out of maintenance mode. You can modify the alarm, when required.
    2. To accept the change, click CONTINUE.
    3. To cancel the changes, click CANCEL.
      The alarms for all hosts are enabled after applying the settings.
  4. Enable the Post all Events under Event Posting Level and then click APPLY.
  5. To restore the default vCenter alarm settings for all hosts, click RESTORE ALARMS.

    It might take up to a minute before the change takes effect.

    The RESTORE ALARMS option is a convenient way to restore the default alarm configuration without uninstalling and reinstalling the product. If any Dell alarm configurations are changed since installation, those changes are reverted using the RESTORE ALARMS option.

    NOTE The alarms settings are not enabled after restoring the appliance. You can enable the alarms settings again from the Settings tab.

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