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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Create baseline profile


Ensure that:
  • You have Firmware Repository Profile.
  • To have a cluster in the vCenter and that at least one host is managed under OMEVV.


  1. On the OMEVV home page, Compliance & Profiles > Profiles > Baseline Profile > CREATE BASELINE PROFILE.
  2. On the Baseline Profile page of the wizard, read the instructions, and click GET STARTED.
  3. On the Profile name and Description page, enter the profile name and description, and then click NEXT.
  4. On the Associate Profile page, select Firmware Repository Profile.
    Selecting a firmware repository creates the firmware baseline for the hosts in the cluster. Dell Default Catalog repositories are not supported for baselining vSAN clusters. You can see and select all the successfully created Firmware Repository Profile under Firmware Repository Profile and click NEXT.
  5. On the Associate Cluster(s) page, perform the following tasks:
    1. Select an instance of a registered vCenter server.
    2. To associate the clusters, click BROWSE.
    3. Select the cluster(s) that you want to baseline.
    4. Click OK.
      The selected cluster(s) is displayed on the Associate Cluster(s) page.
    5. Click NEXT.
  6. On the Schedule Drift Detection page, select the days and time, and then click NEXT.
    The Summary page is displayed that provides the information about the baseline profile.
  7. Click FINISH.
    The drift detection job runs immediately after the baseline profile is saved and later runs during the scheduled time. View the job completion status on the Jobs page.
    NOTE If the numbers of nodes (managed using OMEVV) are modified after you create the baseline profile for a cluster, the collection size gets updated automatically during the subsequent drift detection jobs.

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