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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Disable the OMEVV Plugin

About this task

When you disable OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter (OMEVV) plugin, all features of OMEVV are disabled on OpenManage Enterprise.

NOTE Disabling a plugin in OpenManage Enterprise restarts the appliance services.


  1. In OpenManage Enterprise, click Applications Settings > Console and Plugins.
    The Console and Plugins tab is displayed.
  2. In the Plugins section, click Disable for the OpenManage Enterprise for VMware vCenter.
    The Disable Plugin wizard is displayed.
  3. To disable the plugin, click Disable Plugin.
    NOTE The Disable option is displayed only if OMEVV is installed.

    The disable plugin operation stops if there are any jobs in progress.

  4. To confirm, select the I agree that I have captured a snapshot of the OpenManage Enterprise appliance prior to performing a plugin action check box, and then click Confirm Disable .
    The plugin is successfully disabled.

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