To discover or on board host devices that are available at registered vCenter but not yet discovered in OpenManage Enterprise. You can discover hosts that are in
Undiscovered status.
On the OMEVV home page, click
Compliance & Profiles > Compliance > Management Compliance.
You can browse discover host by performing other steps.
On the
Discover Credentials page, do the following:
In the
Job Details section, enter the following:
Job Name
Job Description
Source vCenter
Enter any one of the following details:
In the
iDRAC Credentials section, enter the following:
User Name
Verify Password
Or select the
AD check box, enter the following data:
Active Directory User Name
Active Directory Password
Verify Password
NOTE The Active Directory (AD) credentials can be used for a host if iDRAC of the host is already registered with AD.
NOTE You cannot discover the host because OMEVV could not detect iDRAC data. Ensure to connect the host at vCenter and perform refresh compliance, and retry discovering the host.
NOTE For the successful discovery of hosts through iDRAC's credentials, provide user credentials with admin privilege.
It displays the list of host that is not discovered.
To include OEM hosts not discovered in OpenManage Enterprise, select
Include OEM Host(s).
NOTE OEM hosts not discovered in OpenManage Enterprise are not shown on the management compliance page.
Host IP or FQDN of a selected host displays the Service Tag on the
Associated Host(s)
To view more information about the discovery job, see
NOTE Compliance job is run only after discovery job is completed and until the compliance job completed, the status of host device is not updated on the
Management Compliance section.
NOTE Refresh job fails when you refresh a host which is still in progress during host discovery.
NOTE If any unified IP host is part of vCenter, and then user has to perform discovery to its corresponding chassis, or if it is part of MCM configuration and then its corresponding lead chassis in OpenManage Enterprise. Once discovery is successful, in OMEVV perform refresh.
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