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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Edit Baseline Profile

About this task

Editing baseline profile changes the baseline, which may result in the recalculation of a compliance level.


  1. On the OMEVV home page, click Compliance & Profiles > Profiles > Baseline Profile.
  2. Select a Baseline Profile, and click EDIT.
  3. On the Profile Name and Description page, edit the description, and then click NEXT.
  4. On the Associate Profile page, you can change the Firmware Repository Profile.
  5. On the Associate Cluster(s) page, you can change the associated clusters.
  6. On the Schedule Drift Detection page, you can change the drift detection schedule.
  7. Review the updated information on the Summary page, and then click FINISH.
    NOTE When a Baseline Profile is edited, version of the Baseline is updated.
    The drift detection job runs immediately after the baseline profile is saved and later runs during the scheduled time.

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