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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Enable Proactive HA on clusters


Before enabling Proactive HA on clusters, ensure that the following conditions are met:
  • A cluster with DRS enabled is created and configured in the vCenter console. To enable DRS on a cluster, see the VMware documentation.
  • All hosts that are managed with or without SNMP Trap in OMEVV.
    NOTE It is recommended to use hosts that are managed with SNMP Trap.
  • Enable SNMP events on the iDRAC settings page for all the hosts present in the cluster.


  1. In vSphere Client, expand Menu >Inventory, and then select Hosts and Clusters.
    All the hosts and clusters are displayed in the left pane.
  2. Select a cluster, in the right pane, go to Configure >Services and click vSphere DRS > EDIT
  3. Select vSphere DRS, if not selected.
  4. Select Configure > vSphere Availability > Proactive HA > Edit
    The Edit Cluster Settings page is displayed.
  5. On the Edit Cluster Settings page, select Proactive HA
  6. In the Failures & Responses section, from the drop-down menu, select Manual or Automated automation level.
  7. For the Remediation, select quarantine mode, maintenance mode, or a combination of both quarantine and maintenance mode based on severity status (Mixed mode). See the VMware documentation for more information.
  8. Click Providers and select Dell Inc as a provider for the cluster.
  9. Click SAVE.

Next steps

After Proactive HA is enabled on a cluster, OMEVV initializes Proactive HA health and status and reports them to vCenter. Based on the health update notification from OMEVV, the vCenter server performs the manual or automatic action that you have selected for remediation.

On receiving healthy events, admin must manually move hosts which are in Maintenance Mode to Exit Maintenance Mode.

To override the existing severity, see Override severity of health update notification.

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