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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Events and Alarms settings

On the Settings page, you can enable the events and alarms for hosts, select the event posting level, and restore default alarms. You can configure events and alarms for each vCenter.

Post all events has two states Enable and Disable. On enabling the Post all events, OMEVV receives all the events from managed hosts.

When you enable the events and alarms, OMEVV forwards events that are received from managed hosts to vCenter and creates alarms for few critical events. Use these alarms to trigger actions from vCenter, such as a reboot, maintenance mode, or migrate.

For example, when a Fan fails and an alarm is created, the resulting action puts the machine into maintenance mode, which results in workloads being migrated to a different host in the cluster.

All hosts outside of clusters, or in clusters without VMware Distributed Resource Scheduling (DRS) enabled, can see virtual machines being shut down due to a critical event. Dell recommends enabling the DRS before enabling the Dell alarms. For more information, see the VMware documentation.

The DRS continuously monitors usage across a resource pool and intelligently allocates available resources among virtual machines according to business needs. To ensure that virtual machines are automatically migrated on critical hardware events, use clusters with DRS configured Dell alarms. The details of the on-screen message list the clusters on the vCenter instance that might be impacted. Ensure that you confirm that the clusters are impacted before enabling events and alarms.

If you want to restore the default alarm settings, select the Restore Alarms option. This option is a convenient option to restore the default alarm configuration without uninstalling and reinstalling the product. If any Dell alarm configurations have been changed since installation, those changes are reverted using the Restore Alarms option.

NOTE To receive the Dell events, ensure that you enable the required events in iDRAC.

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