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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Fix Compliance for one or more noncompliant hosts

Fix compliance is performed on one or more hosts that are noncompliant or managed without alerts. In addition, this feature configures SNMP Trap configuration in the iDRAC of one or more respective hosts. SNMP Trap configuration is performed only on the host with supported hypervisor and iDRAC license.

  1. On the OMEVV home page, click Compliance & Profiles > Compliance > Management Compliance.
  2. Select one or more hosts to perform fix compliance, and click FIX COMPLIANCE.

The fix compliance operation performs the following:

  • It triggers a job for one or more selected hosts.
  • It tracks job progress in the logs section.
  • It configures SNMP as part of the job (configures OpenManage Enterprise IP in iDRAC's SNMP Trap destination) for all the noncompliant hosts.
NOTE If managing any hosts through MX chassis in OpenManage Enterprise (unified IP), it does not trigger SNMP Trap configuration, and the SNMP Trap status of the host is Unknown.
Following are the limitations for the host present in MX chassis under unified IP with an iDRAC IP is disabled or discovering MX chassis in OpenManage Enterprise and hosts that are part of MX chassis has different iDRAC credentials than chassis.
  • SNMP status is Unknown since OMEVV does not support servers that are managed through chassis.
  • State is Non-compliant.

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