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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Host device discovery

About this task

After the discovery task is created, you can track the job status on the Host Discovery Jobs page.


  1. On the OMEVV home page, click Jobs > Discovery > Host .
    A table displays all the discovery jobs along with the following information:
    • Name—The host discovery job name.
    • Description—The job description.
    • Last Run—Displays the time and date of the last run job.
    • Status—The status of the discovery job. The job status shows
      1. Successful—displays when hosts are discovered successfully.
      2. Completed with errors—displays when one or more hosts are failed during discovery.
      3. Failed—displays when the discovery of all hosts fail.
      4. Cancelled—displays the status when:
        • When OME restarts.
        • Running jobs stops abruptly.
    • Collection Size—The number of servers in the discovery job.
    • Progress Summary—Displays the job progress details of the discovery job.
    • vCenter—Displays the name of the vCenter.
  2. To view more information about a discovery job, select a discovery job.
    The following information is displayed in the lower pane:
    • Host
    • iDRAC
    • Status
    • Details
  3. If you want to purge earlier host discovery jobs , click CLEAR COMPLETED.
    The Purge Discovery Job Queue dialog box is displayed. You can only purge jobs that are canceled, successful, completed with errors or failed, and cannot purge active jobs.
  4. In the Purge Discovery Job Queue dialog box, select Earlier than date and job Status, click OK.
    The selected jobs are and then cleared from the Host Discovery Jobs list.
    NOTE After discovering a host, if the host is removed from vCenter, the details that are related to job and execution history is displayed as Not Available.

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