Install the OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Plugin
About this task
You can download and install OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter (OMEVV) from (online) or from an already downloaded package in a network share (offline). You can configure this setting in OpenManage Enterprise (Application Settings >
Console and Plugins >Update Settings). For more information about how to configure update settings, see Dell OpenManage Enterprise User’s Guide.
To install OMEVV plugin from, ensure that the OpenManage Enterprise appliance can access
To install OMEVV plugin from a local network share, you must manually download the package to your network share, and update the location on the
Update Settings page in OpenManage Enterprise.
To install and manage OMEVV plugin, ensure to have OpenManage Enterprise administrator account.
NOTE Installing a plugin on OpenManage Enterprise restarts the appliance.
NOTE When OMEVV is launched using Google Chrome, you may notice an incomplete display of the tool-tip due to the browser-related issue.
To install a plugin, perform the following steps:
In OpenManage Enterprise, click
Application Settings > Console and plugins.
Console and Plugins page is displayed.
In the
Plugins section, click
Install for the plugin you want to install.
Install Plugin wizard is displayed.
From the
Available Version(s) list, select the OMEVV plugin version that you want to install.
Review and ensure that you meet the list of prerequisites that are mentioned under the
Prerequisite section, and then click
Download Plugin.
NOTE The lists of prerequisites change as you select the version of plugin that you want to install.
The install operation validates the prerequisites to install the plugin. If installation prerequisites are not fulfilled, an appropriate error message is displayed.
After the plugin is downloaded successfully, the status that appears on the top of the plugin changes from
Available to
To install the OpenManage Enterprise plugin, in the
Install Plugin wizard, click
Install Plugin.
A consent form is displayed to inform you about the End User License Agreement (EULA). Click
Accept to continue to install the plugin.
The details of the number of users who are logged in to OpenManage Enterprise, tasks in progress, and schedule jobs are displayed in the
Confirmation dialog box.
To confirm the installation, select the
I agree that I have captured a snapshot of the OpenManage Enterprise appliance prior to performing a plugin action option, and then click
Confirm Install.
The status of installation operation is displayed. After the successful installation of the plugin, the status that appears on the top of the plugin section changes from
Available or
Downloaded to
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