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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Memory Page Retire Forecast in OMEVV

Memory Page Retire Forecast is a prefailure function available in the supported PowerEdge hosts. This feature enables host to notify Operating System about the correctable memory errors that have occurred on a memory page. Now, MPR events are registered for all OMEVV-managed hosts.

If enough errors occur in a given sector, it can be an indicator of potential weakening in that Dual inline memory module (DIMM). This can lead to an uncorrectable error event and potential system crash.

OMEVV accumulates the MEM0002 alerts for each DIMM as it receives them from iDRAC. Once the alerts reach a threshold value (14400) and accumulated across all the DIMMs in the system, OMEVV displays an event on the vCenter Events page. This monitoring feature is close approximation of possible forecast of MPR in OMEVV. For more information about calculating threshold value setting, see Calculate threshold setting.

To post the alarm notification, enable the Enable Memory Page Retire alarm for all hosts option on the Events and Alarms page of OMEVV. For more information, see Configure OMEVV events and alarms.

When the threshold is reached for memory correctable errors and if the MPR forecast alarm is enabled, host is moved to the maintenance mode.

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