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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Monitor hosts using dashboard


The dashboard is the default tab present in the vCenter when you browse the OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter (OMEVV) plugin. It displays the following:

  • Health status of hosts.
  • Warranty status of hosts.
  • Managed Nodes.
  • Baseline compliance status of hosts.
  • States of jobs that are scheduled using OMEVV.
  • Quick references to OMEVV features.

The Health section displays the health of all OMEVV-managed hosts. All hosts that are displayed here are configured using the same vCenter which belongs to vCenter(s) which has a common Platform Service Controller (PSC).

The status of each host refreshes after the completion of a periodic device health monitoring task or when SNMP event triggered on the host.

By default, the device health monitoring task runs every hour. The displayed data is used to monitor Proactive HA health update. The details of the job are available at Logs.

The following list describes the different states of the hosts:

  • Healthy—Displays the number of hosts that is in a healthy state.
  • Warning—Displays the number of hosts that requires corrective action, but do not immediately affect the system.
  • Critical—Displays the number of hosts that has critical issues with one or more components and require immediate action.
  • Unknown—Displays the status of the iDRAC as unknown when unreachable and does not display the health status.

To view more information about a host health, on the Dashboard page, under the Health section, click VIEW HOST.


The number of hosts that are displayed under the warranty category indicates the hosts that belong to vCenter servers configured using the vCenter which belongs to vCenter(s) which has a common Platform Service Controller (PSC). To get warranty-related information for the managed nodes, run warranty job in OpenManage Enterprise.

The Warranty section provides the following information about hosts:

  • Active—Displays the number of hosts whose warranty days are active and above the warning threshold.
  • Warning—Displays the number of hosts whose warranty days are active and but exceed the warning threshold.
  • Expired—Displays the number of hosts whose warranty days have expired.

To identify the hosts that are in Active, Warning, Expired, do the following:

  1. On the vSphere Client, expand Menu >Inventory, and select Hosts and Clusters.
  2. To view the warranty status of host at cluster-level, select a cluster, and then click Monitor > OMEVV Cluster Information > Warranty.
  3. To view the warranty status of host at datacenter-level, select a datacenter, and then click Monitor > OMEVV Datacenter Information > Warranty.

Managed Nodes

The Managed Nodes section displays following information:

  • Total number of vCenters supported.
  • Number of vCenters available.
  • Number of vCenters in use.
  • Total managed nodes.

Baseline Compliance

This section displays the firmware compliance of a host that are part of cluster (associated with the Baseline Profile). The hosts that are displayed here are configured using the same vCenter Linked Mode environment belong to vCenter(s) which has a common Platform Service Controller (PSC) .

To view the baseline compliance status of hosts, click VIEW COMPLIANCE.


This section displays the jobs that are scheduled using OMEVV. You can view the job details only for last 7 days.

The pie chart displays the total number of jobs in Successful, In Progress, Failed, Scheduled, and Cancelled states. To filter the job states in the pie chart, click the job states.

You can view count of following jobs that are in Successful, In Progress, Failed, Scheduled, and Cancelled states:

NOTE On the dashboard, the schedule of Drift Detection job is run periodically and the count shows of all the performed jobs in the last 7 days. But, on the Drift Detection job page that you can see that only the last execution of the job details is displayed.

To view all the jobs, click VIEW ALL JOBS.

Quick References

This section provides the quick references links to the following features:

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