To view information, warnings, and errors related to a task, see the OMEVV logs.
About this task
- On the
OMEVV page, click
- To export the current page logs data, click
- To sort the data in the grid, click a column header.
- To navigate between pages, click previous and next icons.
- To refresh the logs, click the refresh icon on the upper-left corner.
- To search the logs in the current page, use
Search option.
- To filter the logs that is based on the following categories and date range, click
- All Categories
- Information
- Warning
- Error
- Last Week
- Last Month
- Last Year
- Custom Range: If you select this option, click the calender icon, and specify the start and end date.
You can view the logs that are related to the selected category and date range. At a time, the log data table displays 100 logs per page. You can also customize the number of logs visibility on the page.
After selecting the required category and date, click
APPLY. To clear the filtered data, click