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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

OMEVV support information


On the OMEVV home page, click Settings > Support
Table 1. Information on the support pageThis table provides information about support.
Name Description
Documentation Support Provides the following documentation links:
  • PowerEdge Servers
  • iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller
General Help
Before calling Tech Support Before calling the Dell Tech Support team for seeking resolution to any issue, use the following information to ensure that your call is routed correctly.
  • Service Tag of the Dell server.
  • Ask the Tech Support to redirect you to the Advanced virtualisation Support Queue Team.
Troubleshooting Bundle To download troubleshooting from OpenManage Enterprise, go to OpenManage Enterprise >Monitor >Troubleshoot.

Ensure to have troubleshooting bundle before reaching out to technical support.

Dell Recommendations The Dell Repository Manager is used to create a custom catalog that can be used to update firmware and drift detection.

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