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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter features

Following are the OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter (OMEVV) appliance features:

Table 1. OMEVV featuresThe following table lists the OMEVV features:
Features Description
Inventory Collects the data about the following PowerEdge Server components for Hardware and Storage:

For the Hardware inventory, following information is displayed:

  • Field Replaceable Units(FRUs)
  • Processors
  • Power Supply Unit(PSU)
  • Memory
  • Network Interface Cards(NIC)
  • PCI
  • Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller(iDRAC)

For the Storage inventory, following information is displayed:

  • Virtual Disks
  • Controllers
  • Enclosures
  • Physical Disks
Monitor and send alerts The monitoring and alerting include the following functionalities:
  • Detect key hardware issues and notify vCenter to enable virtualisation-aware actions. For example, migrate workloads or place host in a maintenance mode.
  • Provide intelligence such as inventory, events, and alarms to diagnose server problems.
  • Support for VMware Proactive HA feature for monolithic servers.
Firmware updates

The cluster-level firmware update supports the update of BIOS and firmware versions. You can also use OMEVV with vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) to perform firmware updates.

Following are the supported firmware updates:

  • Firmware updates for vSphere and vSAN at the cluster level.
  • Non clustered host updates (hosts in the data center).
Baseline Compliance

Indicates the firmware compliance level of clusters, and then displays the drift, if any.

  • Support for user facing logs to record and monitor OMEVV tasks.
  • Support for OMEVV log bundles from OME web console.
  • Logs can be used for audit and troubleshooting use-cases.
  • OME supports generating of consolidated log bundle of OME and all the installed plugins.
API Support
  • RESTful API with access control for all supported features in addition to vCenter user interface.
  • OMEVV plugin REST interface is compliant with OpenAPI 3.0 standard, which allows customer to develop their own custom OpenAPI 3.0 REST client and it can be integrated with their existing automation model.

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