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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Proactive HA supported components

Based on the components supported by VMware for Proactive HA, the following components are supported by the Dell Inc provider.
Table 1. Dell Proactive HA eventsThe following table lists the Dell Proactive HA events:
Dell Inc provider event Component type Description
DellFan Fan Fan event
DellPower Power Power event
DellIDSDM Storage IDSDM event
DellMemory Memory Memory event
For a Proactive HA enabled host, the following Traps are used by OMEVV as a trigger to determine the health of components:
Table 2. Proactive HA eventsThe following event lists are supported by Dell devices that can trigger PHA health update on the hosts which are part of PHA enabled cluster. The PHA actions that are defined on these clusters at the time of initialization of the cluster as PHA will take precedence over Dell defined alarms for the following list of the event ID.
Event Trap ID Description
2153 Fan health is in critical state
2154 Fan health is in warning state
2185 Power Supply is in critical state
2186 Power Supply is in warning state
2209 IDSDM is in critical state
2210 IDSDM is in warning state
2265 Memory health is in critical state
2266 Memory health is in warning state
2273 System power exceeds critical capacity
2465 Power supply has been removed or disabled
2473 Fan redundancy is lost
2474 Fan redundancy is degraded
2481 Internal Dual SD Module is absent
2489 Internal Dual SD Module redundancy is lost
2490 Internal Dual SD Module redundancy is degraded

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