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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Register new vCenter server


  • Your vCenter account should have the necessary privileges for OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter (OMEVV) to register with vCenter.
  • If you want to upload a customized Certificate Authority (CA)-signed certificate to OpenManage Enterprise, ensure that you upload the new certificate before vCenter registration. If you upload the new custom certificate after vCenter registration, communication errors are displayed on the vSphere Client. To fix this issue, log out and log in to vCenter. If issue persists, restart the vSphere Client service on the vCenter server.
  • During vCenter registration, ensure to provide a valid vCenter IPv4 or FQDN.
  • OMEVV supports registering of vCenter configured with default HTTP(80) and HTTPS (443) ports only.
  • Ensure that you do not use special characters for username while registering the vCenter such as “” () : [ ] ; , \

About this task

By registering the OMEVV plugin with a target vCenter, helps you to manage and monitor the hosts. OMEVV uses the administrator user account or a nonadministrator user account with necessary privileges for vCenter operations.


  1. In the OpenManage Enterprise page, go to Plugins > OMEVV Plugin > Administration, click Register.
    The Register vCenter page is displayed.
  2. In the Register vCenter dialog box, enter the following details:
    1. In the vCenter Server IP or Hostname box, enter the vCenter IP address or FQDN.
      Dell recommends you to register OMEVV with the VMware vCenter using a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). For all registrations, the hostname of vCenter must be properly resolvable by the DNS server. The following are the recommended practices for using the DNS server:
      • Assign a static IP address and hostname when you deploy an OpenManage Enterprise appliance with a valid DNS registration. A static IP address ensures that during the system restart, the IP address of the OpenManage Enterprise appliance remains same.
      • Ensure that OMEVV hostname information is present in both forward and reverse lookup zones in your DNS server.
    2. In the Description box, enter a description—optional.
    3. In the vCenter Username box, enter the username of administrator or a nonadministrator username with the required privileges.
    4. In the Password box, enter the password.
    5. In the Re-enter Password box, enter the password again.
    6. To use vSphere Lifecycle Manager, select the Register with vSphere Lifecycle Manager check box.
  3. Click Register.


After registering the vCenter server, OMEVV is registered as a vCenter plugin, and Dell OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Plugin icon appears in the vSphere Client. You can use the OMEVV plugin in the vCenter console to access the OMEVV features.
NOTE For all vCenter operations from OpenManage Enterprise appliance, OMEVV uses the privileges of the registered user and not the privileges of the user logged-in to VMware vCenter or the OpenManage Enterprise appliance accounts. For example, user X with the necessary privileges registers OMEVV with vCenter, and user Y has only the Dell privileges. User Y can now log in to the vCenter and can trigger a firmware update task from OMEVV. While performing the firmware update task, OMEVV uses the privileges of user X to put the host into maintenance mode or reboot the host.

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