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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Register vCenter server using a nonadministrative account

About this task

You can register OMEVV plugin with a vCenter server using a vCenter nonadministrative account. Perform the following steps:


  1. Create a role or modify existing role with a required privilege for the role.
    For more information about the list of privileges required for the role, see Required privileges for nonadministrator users.
    For the steps required to create or modify a role and select privileges in the vSphere Client (HTML5), see the VMware vSphere documentation.
  2. Assign a user to the newly created role after you define a role.
    A vCenter server nonadministrator user with the required privileges can now register or unregister vCenter, modify credentials, or update the certificate.
  3. Register a vCenter server using a nonadministrator user with the required privileges.
  4. After registration is complete, assign the Dell privileges to the role created or modified in step 1. See Assign Dell privileges to existing role.


A nonadministrator user with the required privileges can now use the OMEVV features.

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