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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Run OMEVV drift compliance detection job

About this task

A drift detection job is run to find the comparison between the validated baseline and the server firmware configuration which includes firmware versions. Drift jobs for noncluster host are created on each registered vCenter and the host for the job is added as and when the user manages any noncluster hosts.
NOTE To see drift detection job, ensure to create a Baseline Profile. For more information about drift report, see View OMEVV compliance drift report.


  1. On the OMEVV home page, click Jobs > Drift Detection.
    A table displays all the drift detection job along with the following information:
    • Name—The name of the drift detection job.
    • Last Run—The date and time when the last drift detection job was run.
    • Next Run—The date and time when the next drift detection job is scheduled.
    • vCenter—The name of the vCenter.
    • Status—The status of the drift detection job.
    • Collection Size—The number of clusters in the drift detection job.
    • Progress Summary—The progress details of the drift detection job.
  2. To view the latest Drift Detection Job details, click Refresh.
  3. To view more information about the job in the drift detection job, select a drift detection job. The following information is displayed:
    • Cluster
    • Status
    • Start Time and Date
    • End Time and Date
  4. To run the Drift Detection job on-demand, click RUN NOW.
    Drift Detection job runs automatically on the newly managed hosts of a cluster that is associated with the Baseline Profile.

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