Failure during vCenter registration
vCenter registration can fail due to communication issues. If you are experiencing these issues, a solution is to use a static IP address of OME. See OpenManage Enterprise document on how to use a status IP address at
NOTE Ensure that the virtual appliance can resolve the DNS server that you entered.
NOTE Ensure that IP/FQDN/Hostname provided during vCenter registration is present in the Common Name or SAN of vCenter Server certificate.
Unable to see the registered vCenter
After registering vCenter successfully and if you cannot see the registered vCenter, restart the OpenManage Enterprise.
An error message is shown on OMEVV page
Refresh the page when you see an error message as "vCenter with UUID is not registered".
If discovery host wizard fails to complete, and an error message is shown as " iDRAC IP not found for console-entity<hostID> with service tag<servicetag_of_host> and hostip <host_IP/FQDN>"
The following error can be seen in two scenarios:
- Scenario 1—If any Dell hosts are disconnected or not responding, and then the OMEVV fails to get iDRAC IP.
Resolution—Ensure that the host is connected to vCenter and perform compliance that is run by clicking
- Scenario 2—If an OEM host 's disconnected or not responding, and then the OMEVV fails to get the iDRAC IP.
Resolution—Ensure that the host is connected and wait for 24 hours default compliance to run.
Unable to see the OMEVV plugin even after registering
Refresh the page and wait until it appears. If the issue still persists, restart the vCenter.
Unable to discover the host due to failure in the compliance job
Failure in the compliance job may be due to one of the reasons.
- Check if inventory is missing OpenManage Enterprise.
- Try to reset and rerun the inventory.
- Failure maybe due to lack of inventory information affects the OMEVV compliance jobs.
Parsing of the Server Update Utility catalog fails
Ensure that the catalog format is .xml. OMEVV does not support other formats such as .gz, .xml.gz.
Connection status is not updated when the iDRAC is not reachable
Connection Status at OpenManage Enterprise is updated as part of health update and not part of inventory job.
If the associated vSphere cluster is changed to vSAN, an error is displayed after finishing the edit of a Baseline Profile.
This error occurs when a cluster with a Baseline Profile associated with Dell Default Catalog and when vSAN is enabled on all the clusters associated with the Baseline Profile.
- When a user wants to remove the cluster associated with the Baseline Profile then, during the edit ensure to assign a custom Firmware Repository Profile to the Baseline Profile.
- When a user wants to retain the cluster to the Baseline Profile association then, during the edit ensure to assign a custom Firmware Repository Profile to the Baseline Profile and reselect the cluster during cluster association.