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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Unregister OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter


  1. In the OpenManage Enterprise page, go to Plugins > OMEVV Plugin > Administration.
  2. On the VCENTER REGISTRATION page, in the vCenter Server IP or Hostname table, click Unregister.
    NOTE Ensure to select the correct vCenter because OMEVV can be associated with more than one vCenter.
  3. To confirm the unregistration of the selected vCenter server, in the UNREGISTER VCENTER dialog box, click Unregister.
    NOTE After unregistering OMEVV, log out and log in from the vSphere Client (HTML5). If the OMEVV icon is still visible, perform the following:
    • For VMware vCenter Server Appliance, go to the folder—/etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity and see if the old data such as exists and manually delete the folder corresponding to the OMEVV version and restart vSphere Client services for vSphere Client (HTML5).

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