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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

Update firmware on OMEVV-managed hosts

The OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter (OMEVV) enables you to perform BIOS and firmware update jobs on the managed hosts. You can perform concurrent firmware update jobs across multiple clusters or nonclustered hosts. Running concurrent firmware update on two hosts of the same cluster is not allowed.

To update firmware on the managed hosts, ensure to create Firmware Repository Profile and a Baseline Profile.

  • Firmware Repository Profile—a repository profile that uses firmware catalog to get the firmware information. To create Firmware Repository Profile, see,Create Repository Profile. The following are the two types of firmware repository profile:
    • User-created firmware repository—Local CIFS, NFS, HTTP, or HTTPS are used.
    • Factory-created firmware repository—Factory-created catalogs are not applicable for vSAN cluster firmware update and baselining.
      • Dell Default Catalog—A factory-created firmware repository profile that uses the Dell Online Catalog to get the latest firmware information. If the appliance does not have an Internet connection, create a custom repository profile.
  • Baseline Profiles—to perform firmware updates, creating a Baseline Profile is mandatory. For more information about how to create baseline profile, see, Create Baseline Profile.
NOTE To update PowerEdge XR2 server, use R440 firmware components present in the Dell Online Catalog. If you want to create a custom catalog (using Dell Repository Manager) to be used for offline firmware repository to support PowerEdge XR2, use firmware components applicable to PowerEdge R440 server.

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