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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

View management compliance status

Management compliance summary provides information about the host device status, SNMP trap status, iDRAC license status, and hypervisor status.

After you add hosts which are part of registered vCenter, you can see all the host on the Management Compliance page. Whenever vCenter is registered, compliance job is run on all the hosts that are part of the registered vCenter. Also, compliance job is run on any newly added hosts to get the compliance data.

At the top of the page under Compliance Summary, you can view the number of devices categorized based on the following status:

Host Status

  • Unknown
  • Undiscovered
  • Non-Compliant
  • Unsupported
  • Compliant

SNMP Trap Status

  • SNMP Unconfigured
  • SNMP Configured

iDRAC License Status

  • License Unsupported
  • License Supported

Hypervisor Status

  • Hypervisor Unsupported
  • Hypervisor Supported

A management compliance table displays all the hosts along with the following information:

  • Host—The FQDN or IP address of the host device.
  • Model—The model name of the host.
  • Connection Status—iDRAC connection status.
  • SNMP Trap Status—Indicates whether OMEnt IP is set trap destination at iDRAC to receive alerts.
  • Hypervisor—The hypervisor name, version, and the build number.
  • iDRAC Firmware Version—iDRAC version that is installed on the device that is discovered by OMEVV.
  • iDRAC License Status—Whether it has OpenManage Enterprise with Advanced+ license .
  • Status—Displays the following statuses of the host:
    • Unknown—The Unknown status is the host's initial status, and when a successful compliance job is not run on the host even once.
    • Undiscovered—When the discovery of the host is yet to perform in OpenManage Enterprise, the host status shows as Undiscovered, To know how to discover hosts, see Discover Host(s) .
    • Non-Compliant—The non-Compliant state is when the discovery of a host is successful but not configured iDRAC SNMP Trap with OpenManage Enterprise IP. The failure in the SNMP trap destination setting might be when iDRAC credentials are invalid or if the slot is not accessible in the iDRAC, or if iDRAC System Lockdown Mode is enabled. To know more on how to configure SNMP Trap, see Fix Compliance.
    • Unsupported—Unsupported is when a host is below Hypervisor version 6.7 u3 or does not support OMEVV computed iDRAC server license, OpenManage Enterprise with Advanced+ license.
    • Compliant—The Compliant state is when discovering a host configured with SNMP Trap and supporting hypervisor, iDRAC license.
    • Managed without alerts—Managed without alerts state when managing hosts, but configuring SNMP Trap is still pending.

To view more information about the host, select the host. The following information is displayed at the bottom of the page.

  • Service Tag—Displays service tag information of the selected host.
  • iDRAC IP—Displays iDRAC IP address of the select host.
  • License Entitlement ID —Displays list of iDRAC licenses.
  • iDRAC License Type—Displays the type of the license.
  • iDRAC License Description—Displays iDRAC license name.
  • iDRAC License Expiration—Displays license expiry date.

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