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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

View OMEVV compliance drift report


  1. On the OMEVV home page, click Compliance & Profiles > Compliance > Baseline Compliance.
  2. Select the cluster and click VIEW DRIFT REPORT.
    The Baseline Compliance Report page displays the following firmware drift details:
    • Host Name or IP—Indicates the host IP or hostname.
    • Service Tag—Indicates the Service Tag of the host.
    • Component Name—Indicates the name of the component.
    • Current Value—Indicates the current version of firmware in the host.
    • Baseline Value—Indicates the baseline value.
    • Component Compliance—Indicates the component compliance status.

    You can use the filter option to see the drift details based on the drift status.

    The component compliance is displayed in the Summary section.

    NOTE Drift detection job fails only when the host or iDRAC is not reachable. If the host or iDRAC is inventoried successfully, and then the drift detection job shows successful.
  3. Select the cluster and click RUN FIRMWARE WIZARD.
    This redirects to firmware update job page.

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