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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

View OMEVV host health and information

About this task

OpenManage Enterprise plugin portlet displays OMEVV host health and information.

To view the host summary details:


  1. On the vSphere client, expand Menu >Inventory, and then select Hosts and Clusters.
  2. In the left pane, select the specific host.
  3. In the right-pane, Click Summary.
  4. Scroll down to view the Host health and information.
    You can view the following information in the OpenManage Enterprise Plugin section:
    Table 1. Host health and informationThe following table provides details such as Service Tag, Model Name, System Lockdown Mode (ON or OFF), Server Identification, Hypervisor and Firmware, and Management Console information of each host:
    Information Description
    Host SubSystem Health Component health is a representation of the status of all major host server components and live status: Voltage, Current, Intrusion, Processor, Power supply, Memory, Temperature, IDSDM, Storage, Fan, and Battery .
    NOTE Server Global Status is shown as an overlay on the server icon.
    The options include:
    • Healthy (green check mark)—component operating normally
    • Warning (yellow triangle with exclamation point)—component has a noncritical error.
    • Critical (red X)—component has a critical failure.
    • Unknown (question mark)—status is unknown for the component.
    Service Tag Displays the Service Tag of the server. Use this ID when you call for support.
    Model Name Displays the model name of the server.
    Fault Resilient Memory Displays the status of a BIOS attribute. The BIOS attribute is enabled in the BIOS during initial setup of the server and displays the memory operational mode of the server. Restart your system when you change the memory operational mode value. This is applicable for PowerEdge servers that support Fault Resilient Memory (FRM) option or NUMA FRM. It displays the FRM status as FRM enabled, NUMA FRM enabled or disabled. For more information about the FRM usage, see

    Displays the following:

    • Power State—Displays if power is ON or OFF.
    • iDRAC IP—Displays the iDRAC IP address.
    • Model—Displays the Dell server model.
    • Service Tag—Displays the Service tag for the server.
    • Asset Tag—Displays the Asset tag.
    • Warranty Days Left—Displays the days left for the warranty.
    • Last Inventory Scan—Displays the date and time of the last inventory scan.
    Hypervisor & Firmware

    Displays the following:

    • Hypervisor—Displays the Hypervisor version.
    • BIOS Version—Displays the BIOS version.
    • iDRAC Version—Displays the iDRAC version.
    iDRAC IP Displays a link to launch the iDRAC.
    Host Actions Click the Run Firmware Wizard. When you click this, it redirects to Host Firmware update.

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