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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

View Repository Profile


  1. On the OMEVV home page, click Compliance & Profiles > Profiles > Repository Profile.
    A table displays all the repository profiles along with the following information:
    • Profile Name—The name of the repository profile
    • Description—The profile description
    • Type—The type of the repository (firmware)
    • Share Path—The NFS, or CIFS, or HTTP, or HTTPS path
    • File Name—The catalog file name.
    • Last Update Time—The date and time when a repository profile is updated.
    • Status—The catalog download and parsing status
  2. Select the Repository Profile.
    A table lists the following information about the repository profile:
    • Catalog created date—Displays the date when catalog was created.
    • Catalog last checked—Displays the date when the catalog was checked.
    • Last modified by—Displays the name by whom the catalog was modified.
  3. If you want to remove or add the column names from the grid, click Select Column icon.
  4. To export the repository profile information, click Export icon.

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