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OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter Version 1.0 User's Guide

vSphere Lifecycle Manager Update

The vSphere Lifecycle Manager is a service that runs in vCenter server.

vSphere Lifecycle Manager allows you to create baseline image that consists of ESXi image, firmware. It ensures that every host in the cluster is aligned to the baseline image by performing compliance check. If any noncompliance, provides an option to remediate cluster.

In vSphere Lifecycle Manager, OpenManage Enterprise Integration for VMware vCenter (OMEVV) acts as a firmware add-on provider. For more information about the vSphere Lifecycle Manager, see the VMware documentation.

To use vSphere Lifecycle Manager with OMEVV, vCenter registration is mandatory. For more information about registering vCenter and vSphere Lifecycle Manager, see Register vSphere Lifecycle Manager.

You can register the vSphere Lifecycle Manage in OpenManage Enterpriser administration console during vCenter registration. After vCenter registration is successful, you can modify (register or unregister) the vSphere Lifecycle Manager registration status on the VCENTER REGISTRATION page on OpenManage Enterprise administration console. For more information, see Register vSphere Lifecycle Manager and Unregister vSphere Lifecycle Manager.

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