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OptiPlex 5090 Micro Form Factor Setup and Specifications

Dimensions and weight

The following table lists the height, width, depth, and weight of your OptiPlex 5090 Micro Form Factor.

Table 1. Dimensions and weight

The following table provides the detailed display specifications of OptiPlex 5090 Micro Form Factor.

Description Values
Front height

182.00 mm (7.16 in.)

Rear height

182.00 mm (7.16 in.)


178.50 mm (7.02 in.)


36.00 mm (1.42 in.)

NOTE:The weight of your computer depends on the configuration that is ordered and manufacturing variability.
  • Minimum: 1.16 kg (2.56 lbs)
  • Maximum: 1.28 kg (2.83 lbs)

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