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Dell EMC Boot Optimized Server Storage-S1 User's Guide

Entering the UEFI configuration utility

Perform the following steps to boot to the UEFI configuration utility:
  1. Turn on the system.
  2. While the system is booting, press <F2> to enter System Setup.
  3. Click Device Settings.
    Device Settings lists all the RAID controllers in the system.

    To access the management menu for the controller, use the arrow keys or the mouse.

    NOTE: For more information in all the options, click Help, available on the top right-hand corner of the browser screen. Help information for individual option menus can also be viewed by scrolling down on each option.
    NOTE: Some of the options within the UEFI RAID configuration utility are not present if the controller does not support the corresponding feature. Options may also be disabled if the feature is not supported in the existing configuration.

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