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Dell EMC Boot Optimized Server Storage-S1 User's Guide

Firmware update using Lifecycle Controller

To update the firmware using the Lifecycle Controller:
  1. Download the DUP file from the and copy the .exe DUP file to a local drive.
    Example of the file name: SAS- RAID_Firmware_xxxxx_xxxx_xxx.exe.
  2. Open Virtual Console and boot into Lifecycle Controller by pressing F10 at boot time.
  3. Select Get the Latest firmware on the dashboard window.
  4. Select Local Drive (CD/DVD/USB).
    Enter the name of EXE file and select Update.
  5. After successful installation, reboot and verify the installed firmware version in the HII, iDRAC, or BOSS-S1 CLI.
    NOTE: BOSS-S1 firmware update through iDRAC/Lifecycle Controller is supported only on firmware version A01 and above. For more information see Updating BOSS-S1 controller firmware using iDRAC or LC fails.
    NOTE: For Information on how to update using the CLI, see BOSS-S1 CLI commands.

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