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Dell EMC Boot Optimized Server Storage-S1 User's Guide

Firmware update using Linux

Perform the following steps to update your firmware using the Linux BOSS-S1 command line interface (CLI):
  1. Download the from
  2. Locate the folder which contains the downloaded the CLI file, for example: C:\Home\Desktop\mvcli.xxxx_Axx\x64\cli.
  3. Copy the firmware image binary from the folder to the directory where the CLI file is located. Overwrite any existing files.
    NOTE: The BOSS-S1 card supports multiple subdevice IDs. Locate the correct subdevice ID, available in the iDRAC, BOSS-S1 HII, and BOSS-S1 operating system CLI (Info -o hba).
    Table 1. Supported SubDevice IDTable shows the supported SubDevice ID
    SubDevice IDFirmware Binary Image
    1FD6 (Monolithic)ImageA1_1FD6.bin
    1FE2 (Monolithic)ImageA1_1FE2.bin
    1FDF (Modular)ImageA1.bin
  4. Provide user permissions to that entire folder.
  5. To install BOSS-S1, run ./, followed by ./mvcli.
  6. To flash the firmware, run the command flash –a update –f ImageA1_xxxx.bin –t raw in the CLI shell.
  7. Exit and reboot the system, and verify the firmware version.
    NOTE: Administrator privileges for Windows and Root/Sudo for Linux are recommended.

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