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Dell EMC Boot Optimized Server Storage-S1 User's Guide

Firmware update using UEFI Shell

Perform the following steps to update your firmware using UEFI Shell:
  1. Download the from and unzip the file.
  2. Copy the files onto a UEFI bootable USB drive and map it to the system.
  3. Reboot the system from the USB drive, and go to UEFI.
  4. Type the command fs0:/fs1: to enter the file system and locate the file.
    NOTE: File system partitions may vary depending on your system configuration. Browse through the fsx to locate the USB disk.
  5. Run the file run.nsh to flash the firmware.
  6. On successful update of firmware type Exit to exit from the UEFI shell and reboot the system.
  7. Verify the installed firmware version in HII, iDRAC or BOSS-S1 CLI.

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