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Dell EMC Boot Optimized Server Storage-S1 User's Guide

Management applications for the BOSS-S1 controller

Management applications enable you to manage and configure the RAID system, create and manage the disk group, and provide online maintenance. The management applications for BOSS-S1 card include:
  • Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) RAID Configuration Utility—This storage management application is integrated into the system BIOS (F2). See UEFI/HII RAID configuration utility.
  • Dell OpenManage Storage Management—This application enables you to perform controller and enclosure functions for all supported RAID controllers and enclosures from a single graphical or command-line interface. For more information, see the Dell OpenManage Storage Management User's Guide at
  • BOSS-S1 Command Line Interface (CLI) Utility—This application enables you to check controller, physical disk and virtual disk status while booted to an operating system. The application is also used to check SMART information of the physical disks and display controller. Windows systems use the mvsetup utility while Linux systems use the mvcli utility. The BOSS-S1 CLI Utility also supports ESXi. For more information about CLI commands, see BOSS-S1 CLI commands.
    NOTE: To use the mvsetup Windows utility, the BOSS-S1 management driver must first be installed. You can download the latest Windows unified console driver from Linux/ESXi mvcli does not require a driver.
    NOTE: To remove mvcli from operating systems, uninstall BOSS-S1 drivers from the operating systems or remove the libraries and the executable files.
    NOTE: Systems Management through iDRAC/LC is not enabled in the firmware version A00. It is available in A01 and later versions.
  • iDRAC and LC—This application enables you to effectively monitor the RAID and network controllers installed on the system using iDRAC and LC without an operating system installed on the system. For more information, see the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 User's Guide at

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