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Dell EMC Boot Optimized Server Storage-S1 User's Guide

Supported BOSS-S1 CLI commands

The following table lists the supported BOSS-S1 command line interface (CLI) commands. For more information about the commands, type > help.
NOTE: The BOSS-S1 CLI utility only supports the following commands:
Table 1. Supported CLI commandsTable describes the supported CLI commands.
CLI commandsDescriptionWindows UsageLinux / VMware Usage
info -o hbaDisplay BOSS-S1 controller information.mvsetup info -o hba./mvcli info -o hba
info -o vdDisplay virtual drive information.mvsetup info -o vd./mvcli info -o vd
info -o pdDisplay physical drive information.mvsetup info -o pd./mvcli info -o pd
smart -p <PD_ID>Display SMART information of physical drive.mvsetup smart -p 0./mvcli smart -p 0
NOTE: SMART reports the health status of the M.2 disks. Refer to the SMART status return once the command is executed.
eventDisplay controller events.mvsetup event./mvcli event
NOTE: There may be inconsistency in the events that are listed in BOSS CLI and other management interfaces that include Dell EMC Open Manage Storage Services.
flashEnables you to perform controller firmware upgrade.mvsetup flash -a update -f <image binary file> -t raw./mvcli flash -a update -f <image binary file> -t raw
helpDetails help for all commands or for only one command.mvsetup help info ./mvcli help info

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