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Dell EMC Boot Optimized Server Storage-S1 User's Guide

VMFS datastore is disabled on the 14th generation of PowerEdge systems that are shipped with VMware ESXi installed on BOSS-S1

Installation of ESXi on a BOSS-S1 device does not have VMFS datastore enabled by default, and disables VMFS if you use a custom image for installation. This issue occurs when using ESXi version 6.5.x or later on the BOSS-S1 card.
Corrective Action:
When you have VMware ESXi installed on BOSS-S1, it is recommended that you use the BOSS-S1 device only as a boot device and disable VMFS if you are installing a custom image. For more information, see and
NOTE: The scratch partition is created and configured during VMware ESXi installation in addition to boot support on BOSS-S1.

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