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Dell Precision 5520 Owner's Manual

Removing the Fans


  1. Follow the procedures in Before Working Inside Your Computer.
  2. Remove the:
    1. Base cover
    2. battery
  3. Perform the following steps to remove the left video-card fan:
    1. Disconnect the fan cable from the system board [1].
    2. Remove the two M2x4 screws that secure the fan to the system board[2].
    3. Lift the fan away from the computer [3]
    Figure showing removing the left system fan from the computer.
  4. Perform the following steps to remove the right system fan:
    1. Un-thread the LVDS cable from its restraints [1].
    2. Disconnect the fan cable from the system board [2]
    3. Remove the two M2x4 screws that secure the fan to the computer [3].
    4. Lift the fan away from the computer [4].
    Figure showing removing the right system fan from the computer.

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