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Dell Precision 5520 Owner's Manual

Removing the System Board


  1. Follow the procedures in Before Working Inside Your Computer.
  2. Remove the:
    1. base cover
    2. battery
    3. fans
    4. heatsink
    5. SSD
    6. memory module
    NOTE Your computer’s Service Tag is located under the system badge flap. You must enter the Service Tag in the BIOS after you replace the system board.
    NOTE Before disconnecting the cables from the system board, note the location of the connectors so that you can re-connect them correctly after you replace the system board.
  3. Remove the M2x2 screw securing the metal bracket for the LVDS to the system board [1] and remove the bracket off the computer [2]. Then, disconnect the LVDS cable from the system board [3]. Figure showing removing of LVDS cable from system board.
  4. Slide out the connector latches to disconnect all the cables from the system board. Figure showing removal of connector latches from computer.
  5. Perform the following steps to remove the system board from the computer:
    1. Remove the five M2x4 screws that secure the system board to the computer [1].
    2. Lift the system board off the computer [2].
    Figure showing lifting the system board off the computer.

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