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Dell EMC Secured Component Verification Reference Guide for Servers

Creating an ISO image to run SCV using WinPE

To create an ISO image to run SCV using WinPE:
  1. Download the iDRAC tools from the Drivers & downloads page for your system at
    NOTE SCV is supported on iDRAC Tools version 9.5.1 or later.
  2. Ensure that Windows ADK and Windows PE add-on for ADK is installed in the system for WinPE 10.x. To download and install the files, go to
  3. Run the self-extractor file for iDRAC tools and click Unzip to extract the files to the default location.
    NOTE To extract the files to a specified location, click on Browse and select the folder where the files need to be extracted and click OK and then Unzip.
  4. Launch command prompt and change directory to the location where the files were extracted. Run the batch file (WinPE10.x_driverinst.bat) using command prompt to create a bootable ISO image.
    Figure 1. Running the batch file through command prompt

    Running the batch file through command prompt

  5. Once the ISO image is created successfully, open the folder created with the name "WINPE10.x-%timestamp%", to find the ISO image.
    Figure 2. Confirmation of the ISO image created successfully

    Confirmation of the ISO image created successfully

  6. Use this ISO image to boot the SCV environment in the server.

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