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Dell EMC Secured Component Verification Reference Guide for Servers

Running SCV on Linux

  1. Download the iDRAC tools from the Drivers & downloads page for your system at
  2. In the terminal, navigate to the directory where iDRAC Tools file is downloaded and unzip the file using the command tar -zxvf DellEMC-iDRACTools-Web-LX-X.X.X-XXXX_XXX.tar.gz
    Figure 1. Extracting iDRAC tools on Linux

    Extracting iDRAC tools on Linux

  3. Navigate to the directory iDRACTools/scv after the files have been extracted and execute the script using the command sh
    NOTE To uninstall SCV you can use the command sh to execute the script.
    Figure 2. Executing the SCV installation script

    Executing the SCV installation script

  4. Once SCV is installed, run the command scv validateSystemInventory to start the validation process.
    NOTE Use the command scv help to get more information on SCV and how to run it.
  5. Once the system runs the SCV application successfully, it should give the result Validating System Inventory: Match
    Figure 3. Running the validation command and result is successful

    Running the validation command and result is successful

  6. If the result shows as Validating System Inventory: Mismatch it will specify which component has mismatched under Mismatch Inventory Summary. For more help contact Technical Support.
    Figure 4. Validation and result is unsuccessful

    Validation and result is unsuccessful

    Figure 5. Mismatched component expected and detected details

    Mismatched component expected and detected details

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