You can remove PCs that are no longer managed or used in your organization.
CAUTION:Ensure that you review the disconnected PCs before you remove them from the inventory.
From the
TechDirect dashboard, go to
Connect and manage > Manage PC fleet > Connect and manage PCs > Manage > PCs > Inventory.
Inventory page is displayed.
Disconnected PCs from the list.
Select the PCs that you want to remove and click
Remove PCs.
The selected PCs are removed from the fleet inventory, and the status is displayed on the
Audit Trail page.
NOTE:If SupportAssist is installed on the PCs, removing the disconnected PCs from the inventory will not uninstall
SupportAssist on the PCs.
NOTE:If a disconnected PC was unintentionally removed, you must reinstall
SupportAssist. After the reinstallation, you can manage the PC in TechDirect.
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