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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Configure LAG on VxRail networks

Starting with VxRail 7.0.130, configure NIC teaming on VxRail non-management networks with both a customer-supplied and VxRail-supplied VMware VDS after initial cluster implementation. NIC teaming enables the formation of a LAG, which is a logical port that represents a pair of physical ports on a VxRail node. If the ports on the ToR switches connected to these logical ports are also configured into a LAG, peering between the two LAGs enables an active/active port configuration and support load-balancing for network optimization.

Figure 1. Enabling link aggregation for load balancing
Enabling LAG for load-balancing
The following rules are applicable to enable LAG on VxRail networks:
  • No more than two Ethernet ports can be configured in a LAG. The Ethernet ports can be the following:
    • All NDC/OCP ports
    • All PCIe ports, or
    • A mixture of NDC/OCP and PCIe ports
  • Configure all VxRail node ports to run at the same speed for LAG.
  • In VxRail versions earlier than 7.0.450, LAG can only be configured on the non-management VxRail networks.
  • The adjacent ToR switches support LACP.
Dynamic LAG requires:
  • Dynamic port channels are configured on the adjacent ToR switches.
  • LACP is enabled on the adjacent ToR switches.
  • An LACP policy is configured on the VMware VDS.
  • The load-balancing setting on the LACP policy is compatible with the supported load-balancing hash algorithms on the adjacent ToR switches.
Figure 2. LACP policy configuration on the VMware VDS. LACP policy configuration on virtual distributed switch
LACP Policy configuration on virtual-distributed switch

You can configure any unused network ports on the VxRail nodes that were not configured for VxRail network traffic use cases to support LAG. These can include any unused ports on the NDC/OCP or on the optional PCIe adapter cards. Updates to support these new networks can be configured on the VMware VDS deployed during VxRail initial build, or you can configure a new VMware VDS. Since the initial VMware VDS is under the management and control of VxRail, configure a separate VMware VDS on the VMware vCenter Server instance to support these networking use cases.

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