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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Configure LAG

LAG is supported for the VxRail initial implementation process under the following conditions:
  • The nodes are running on VxRail 7.0.130 or earlier.
  • LAG is applied only to non-management VxRail networks.
  • VxRail is deployed with customer-supplied VMware VDS.

If these conditions are not applicable, do not enable LAG or protocols such as LACP and Ether Channel on any switch ports that are connected to VxRail node ports before initial implementation. Doing so results in VxRail initial implementation to fail. When the initial implementation process is complete, you can configure LAG on the operational VxRail cluster, as described in the section Configure LAG on VxRail networks.

If your plans meet these conditions for supporting LAG during the VxRail initial implementation process, then perform these action items before starting:
  • For data center networks with more than one switch that is planned to support the VxRail cluster, configure VLT between the switches.
  • Configure a port channel on each switch for each VxRail node.
  • Configure the VLAN or VLANs targeted for LAG in each port channel.
  • If your plan to implement a VxRail-supplied VMware VDS, configure the port channel so that the Ethernet ports are active before a LAG partnership is formed. This feature is known as LACP individual on Dell switches but may be described differently with switches from other vendors.
  • Depending on your switch operating system, other network characteristics, such as MTU setting and spanning tree protocol settings, can be configured in a port channel. These settings transfer to the switch port when LAG is active. Configure these additional network settings in the port channel according to guidance provided by your switch vendor.

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