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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Custom option: Eight ports connected to four Ethernet switches

This topology also addresses the use case of physical network separation to meet specific security policies or governance requirements, with four Ethernet switches that are positioned to support VxRail networking. For instance, the networks that are required for VxRail management and operations can be isolated on one pair of switches, while network traffic for guest user and application access can be targeted on the other pair of switches. This topology is also applicable for workload use cases with extreme availability, scalability, and performance requirements. For instance, each VxRail network can be configured for redundancy at the switch level and network adapter level if the nodes are installed with four adapter cards containing two ports each.

Figure 1. VxRail nodes with eight ports connected to four Ethernet switches, and one optional connection to management switch for iDRAC
VxRail nodes with eight ports connected to four Ethernet switches, and one optional connection to management switch for iDRAC

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