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Dell VxRail Network Planning Guide


Default failover order policy

VxRail supports customizing the assignment of uplinks to VxRail networks. VxRail also supports setting either an active/active or active/standby failover policy for the VxRail network port groups.

There are four predefined network traffic types that are required for initialization:
  • Management
  • VxRail Management
  • VMware vCenter Server Network
  • VMware vSphere vMotionand VMware vSAN
The following tables contain the default active/standby settings that are applied for the network traffic types:
Table 1. 4 x 10 GbE traffic configuration 4 x 10 GbE Traffic Configuration
Traffic type Uplink1 VMNIC0 Uplink2 VMNIC1 Uplink3 VMNIC2 Uplink4 VMNIC3
Management Standby Active Unused Unused
VMware vSphere vMotion Unused Unused Standby Active
VMware vSAN Unused Unused Active Standby
VMware vCenter Server Network Active Standby Unused Unused
VxRail Management Standby Active Unused Unused
Table 2. 2 x 10 GbE or 2 x 25 GbE traffic configuration 2 x 10 GbE or 2 x 25 GbE Traffic Configuration
Traffic type Uplink1 VMNIC0 Uplink2 VMNIC1 Uplink3 No VMNIC Uplink4 No VMNIC
Management Active Standby Unused Unused
VMware vSphere vMotion Active Standby Unused Unused
VMware vSAN Standby Active Unused Unused
VMware vCenter Server Network Active Standby Unused Unused
VxRail Management Active Standby Unused Unused
Table 3. 2 x 10 GbE or 2 x 25 GbE traffic configuration 2 x 10 GbE or 2 x 25 GbE Traffic Configuration
Traffic type Uplink1 VMNIC0 Uplink2 VMNIC1 Uplink3 VMNIC2 Uplink4 VMNIC3
Management Active Unused Standby Unused
VMware vSphere vMotion Unused Standby Unused Active
VMware vSAN Unused Active Unused Standby
VMware vCenter Server Network Standby Unused Active Unused
VxRail Management Active Unused Standby Unused

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